Intruder resistant windows AND DOORS

Available in both fire and non fire rated versions using a variety of different Forster profiles, Intruder resistant doors and windows are tested to rigours European Standards, and are available in a variety of different ratings.

Forster Presto

  • Intruder resistance up to RC3, EN 1627-1630
  • Non insulated, cost effective steel framing system
  • narrow profiles
  • Single and pair doors
  • Fixed screens
  • Fire resistance up to -/120/-

Forster Unico

  • Thermally broken steel framing system
  • Narrow profiles
  • Single and pair doors
  • Fixed screens and window combinations
  • Fire resistance up to -/30/-

Forster Fuego Light

  • Single and pair doors
  • Fixed screens
  • Fire resistance up to -/60/60

Please contact our office for further details.


Phone: (03) 9720 1930
Fax: (03) 9720 1929
2/21 Malvern St, Bayswater Victoria 3153

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