Downloads: Datasheets

Below you will find all the datasheets that we have made available for you to download. To unlock the links to download the below datasheets please enter your email address. 

Data SheetConfigurationProtectionFraming SystemRatingPDFDWG
TPS-DS-001Fixed WindowFireFuego Light-/120/120
TPS-DS-002Fixed WindowFireFuego Light-/90/90
TPS-DS-003Fixed WindowFireFuego Light-/60/60 & -/60/30
TPS-DS-004Fixed WindowFireFuego Light-/60/-
TPS-DS-006Hinged DoorsFireFuego Light-/60/30
TPS-DS-007Sliding DoorsFireFuego Light-/60/30
TPS-DS-008Hinged Doors and WindowsSmokePrestoSmoke C5S
TPS-DS-009Fixed WindowFireFire Rated Timber-/60/30


Phone: (03) 9720 1930
Fax: (03) 9720 1929
2/21 Malvern St, Bayswater Victoria 3153

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